What Is a Casino?

A casino is a place where people can gamble for money. It often provides a variety of games of chance and other entertainment, including stage shows and dramatic scenery. It also offers a wide range of dining options, free drinks and other amenities to attract patrons. Casinos can be located in commercial buildings, hotels or other private structures. Some casinos are operated by government agencies. Others are owned and operated by private individuals or corporations. In the United States, casinos are regulated by state law.

In the twentieth century, casino owners have sought to maximize revenue and profits by providing perks that encourage gambling and reward customers. These perks, known as comps, include free meals, drinks and show tickets, discounted or free hotel rooms, and other special privileges. The aim is to increase the number of gambling visitors and encourage them to spend more. High-stakes gamblers are especially attractive to casinos. They are given lavish “comps” in the form of free luxury suites and other accommodations.

Gambling has a seamy image, and it’s not unusual for criminal elements to take advantage of casinos. The mobsters that funded the early Las Vegas casinos, for example, weren’t content with simply financing their operations; they took over and even controlled some of them, and skewed the results of many games. To counteract this reputation, modern casinos devote significant resources to security. In some cases, video cameras monitor every aspect of game play; in others, chips with microcircuitry interact with electronic systems to enable casinos to oversee the exact amount wagered minute by minute, and quickly discover any statistical deviations.



