A narrow notch, groove, or opening, as in a keyway in a machine or in a slit for a coin in a vending machine. Fig. A position in a group, series, sequence, etc. I scheduled my haircut for the 2 p.m. slot.
In airport coordination, a limited authorization to take off or land at an extremely busy airstrip during a specified time period (as opposed to air traffic control clearance). A slot is used to prevent repeated delays from too many flights trying to take off and land at the same time.
Casinos use computer-coded programs to determine the probability of each symbol on each reel. The odds of hitting a certain symbol are usually written on the machine togel hk or displayed nearby. These probabilities do not change — even when a machine appears to be “hot.” It’s just math, based on the fact that everything in nature recurs every so often.
In Google Cloud, capacity is allocated to jobs in pools called slots. You can create separate slots for different departments or divisions within your organization, so that test jobs do not compete with production workloads for resources. You can also purchase slots commitments and allocate them to reservations, which are groups of jobs that share resource usage. See how to manage slots for more information. A slot is identified by an identifier, and mapped to a slot type. The slot type defines how a bot will process the information available in that identified slot.